The harvest at Son Moragues: Season 2017
Harvest is that magical moment where all the care and attentions given to the olive grove during the year, converge. But it is also a time of hard work. In terms of fruit yeld and quality, some years are, of course, better than others.
Ancient mountain olive groves like Son Moragues, are very dependent on weather. It does not only needs to rain, it has to rain at the right moment. Moreover, our commitment to organic farming, restricts our resources to protect trees from insect pest throughout the year.
At Son Moragues we continue to use traditional methods of cultivation and harvesting. During the months of October and November, nets are spread below the trees to catch the falling fruit while our team hit the trees and the branches with the help of long sticks. A harvest ritual as it has been done for hundreds of years in Mallorca, and more especially in the Serra de Tramuntana.
Once picked, we take the fruit immediately to our mill and proceed to the olive oil extraction. This short time between harvest and extraction prevents any fruit damage or fermentation and guarantees the best quality of our extra virgin olive oils.
However, this year, olive trees have been very generous and all our efforts have been rewarded. Some specimens have produced up to 30 kilos of olives, almost double than an average year.
To celebrate this year’s abundance we invited some friends to spend the morning in the olive grove and discover with us the process of olive harvesting and olive oil production in our farm.